
第四部分:. Adsv - 500
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 2009年9月27日


To protect the integrity and usability of College 资讯系统及服务 and to ensure their continued availability for student learning and conduct of College 业务.


This policy applies to all users of any of the College’s 资讯系统及服务.


  • ADVS - 423无线电信设备津贴政策
  • 版权政策
  • 教员协商协议8.60D
  • 校董会政策手册
  • 华盛顿公共服务道德法案- RCW 42.52.160
  • 华盛顿公共信息披露法案- RCW 42.56
  • RCW 9.68.130
  • 使用国家资源,最低限度地使用- WAC 292-110-010
  • IV. Adsv - 500可接受使用程序


大学信息系统和服务: Include, but are not limited to, College networks, connected computing and communication devices, all related peripherals, software, websites, electronic communications, Internet access, and all other current or future 资讯系统及服务, regardless 访问或提供的位置的.

华盛顿记录法: Legislations governing documents relating to conduct of government or the performance RCW 42所涵盖的任何政府或专有功能.56

色情内容: 在RCW 9中定义的图形材料或内容.68.130.

最小使用: 使用国家资源,同时满足下列条件:

  • 这对国家来说几乎没有成本;
  • 任何使用都是短暂的;
  • 不经常使用;
  • The use does not interfere with the performance of any state officer's or employee's 公务;
  • The use does not compromise the security or integrity of state property, information 系统或软件;
  • The use is not for the purpose of conducting an outside 业务, in furtherance of private employment, or to realize a private financial gain; and
  • The use is not for supporting, promoting the interests of, or soliciting for an outside 组织或团体.

参见RCW 42.52.160(3)和WAC 292-110-010.


Users of any of the College’s 资讯系统及服务 agree to comply with applicable state, federal and local laws, WAC code, and College policies and procedures. 使用学院的信息系统和服务将是一致的 书院的使命及目标.


  1. All College 资讯系统及服务 are the exclusive property of the College. Use of the College’s 资讯系统及服务 is a privilege, not a right, and is provided only to College employees, contractors, or other authorized persons 与学院的使命和目标相一致的用途. 书院保留 the right to determine when, how and for what purpose, and by whom such 信息 Systems and Services may be used, and retains the right to deny access or use of such 系统和服务,包括使用学院的标志,名称和身份,而不是 符合学院的使命和目标. 此外:
    1. In publications on the College’s 资讯系统及服务 or elsewhere, employees should collaborate with the 市场及传讯部 regarding proper 标志、内容和材料的使用.
    2. All materials stored or published on the College’s 信息 Systems Services may be monitored, reviewed and/or removed by the President or a designee to prevent misuse of the system; during investigations of alleged illegal or inappropriate activity; 必要时处理学校事务.
    3. 根据教员协商协议第8条.60、“知识产权 owned solely by the employee while employed at TCC may be published through College 资源在相同的形式和归属于所有者只要内容有 不会过时或不准确."
  2. Any use of College 资讯系统及服务 that engages in or promotes any 禁止下列行为之一:
    1. Discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, including sexual harassment, religion, disability, national origin, age, marital status, status 残疾或越战老兵、性身份或性取向;
    2. 侵犯版权;
    3. 个人商业利益,商业用途,以及代他人征集 经主席或其指定人员批准的人员除外;
    4. 任何非法活动.
  3. 禁止宣传政治和宗教信仰.
  4. Copyright protections given by law to authors and software owners will be respected. Faculty, staff, or students shall not install, copy or reproduce software, intellectual property, or other published information protected by copyright or other means, unless 法律允许的.
  5. Tacoma Community College will have one central website, which is maintained by the 市场及传讯部.
  6. Users of College 信息 Systems and Service may not share system authentication credentials with others, nor misrepresent their identity to gain access to College 资讯系统及服务.
  7. Users of College 信息 Systems and Service may not install or connect any hardware or software to College 资讯系统及服务 that is unauthorized and/or 与学院的使命和目标不一致.
  8. With the exception of certain personal uses considered de minimis the College’s 信息 Systems and Services are provided exclusively for furtherance of College educational objectives, research, administrative processes, and College-sponsored community service activities, and shall be used only for purposes consistent with the mission and goals 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场. 个人使用电子邮件和互联网是特别的 included in the de minimis exemption only when such use complies with governing law 和学院政策. 游戏和基于互联网的娱乐应用不一致 与学院的使命和目标是不恰当的使用学院的制度和 不包括在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的最低豁免中.
  9. College 资讯系统及服务 may not be used to send, receive, or display 包括文本、图像或声音的信息:
    1. is sexually explicit, or that a reasonable person under the circumstances would consider 淫秽的,辱骂的,冒犯的,或
      令人反感的.,但在艺术、卫生、 和科学;
    2. harasses others with annoying, threatening, libelous or sexually, racially or religiously offensive messages; or
    3. 包含可能伤害他人和/或导致诉讼或 刑事指控.
  10. E-mail messages, electronic files, website activities, network activities, and all other records created by or in the use of College 资讯系统及服务 may be deemed public records under Washington’s Record Act and could, therefore, be disclosed upon request, or be subject to the rules of discovery in the event of litigation.
  11. Student and staff e-mail is considered by the College to be an official form of communication. 学生和工作人员必须定期检查他们的TCC电子邮件帐户.

When infractions occur, the appropriate manager/supervisor will first seek to resolve 非正式地处理这件事. 不能通过非正式方式解决的滥用实例是 referred to the College’s Student Conduct procedures for student issues, or Employee 员工问题的纪律处分程序. 如果违规行为是严重的 nature the informal resolution process may be waived and the infraction referred directly to the College’s Student Conduct or Employee Disciplinary procedures through the Human 资源办公室.


这个政策与IV有关. Adsv - 500可接受的使用程序