
部分: 3.  STSV - 207
批准人:博士. Ivan L. 哈勒尔,06/23/22


To identify credentials offered by the college and general credential completion and 毕业要求.





应用科学:注重技能实际应用的课程和奖励. 通常发现 在专业技术课程中

结业证书: A lower division undergraduate degree that requires no fewer than 90 quarter hour 学分.

奖: 对成就的认可标志

学士学位: An undergraduate degree that includes upper and lower division courses and requires no fewer than 180 quarter hour 学分, 60 of which must be upper division.

证书: A credential awarded for completion of competencies and 需求 for an occupational 程序.

证书: 学位,证书或文凭

声明(凭证): Officially chose the degree/certificate through advising and was placed in the appropriate 程序计划堆栈在学生管理系统中.

较低的部门: 低级别课程包括200级及以下的课程.

专业技术: A professional-technical 程序 prepares students for employment in a specific industry.

相关说明: 通讯、计算和人际关系课程

上师: 包括300级和400级课程.


RCW 28 b.50.140(1)授予澳门威尼斯人在线赌场颁发文凭的权力; degrees, and certificates under the rules of the state board for community and technical 大学.

RCW 28 b.50.090(7)(c) requires the content of the curricula and other educational training 程序s and the 需求 for 学位、证书和高中文凭 授予遵循国家委员会制定的准则

Tacoma Community College offers the following credentials: associate degrees, bachelor 学位、证书和高中文凭. 所有学位及以上证书 20 学分 must be approved by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC)在计划实施之前. 所有批准的课程将被记录在 TCC的程序清单. 经专门认证的学位和证书 是否有认证机构要求的额外要求.


Tacoma Community College grants the following college degrees, certificates, and high 学校文凭:


转移 degrees are lower division undergraduate degrees that require a minimum of 90个大学水平的25小时学分. 它们包括直接转让协议(dta) 及主要相关研究计划(MRPs).

  • 文学副学士(AA/AA- dta)
    • Awarded for completion of an approved transfer curriculum paralleling the first two 大学学习年限.
  • 理学副学士(AS/AS- t)
    • Awarded for completion of an approved science transfer curriculum paralleling the first two 大学学习年限 with a specialization in biology, chemistry, computer 科学、地球科学、工程、环境科学或物理.
  • 通识副学士
    • Awarded for completion of an approved two-year academic 程序 designed to meet a 特殊教育目标.


  • 直接转让协议(DTA)
    • 直接转让协议(DTA)是一个全州范围的协议. 它是…的合作伙伴 艺术 degree awarded by a community or technical college to students who have completed 通识教育转学课程.
  • 主要相关项目(MRP)
    • 主要相关计划(MRP) to help students prepare to transfer into high demand bachelor’s degree 程序s that 要求前两年有专门的课程. 每个MRP都是基于一个全州范围的MRP transfer agreements: 直接转让协议(DTA) or the Associate of Science-转移 (t).

已批准的DTA/ mrp和AS-T mrp的完整清单见SBCTC: http://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/transfer/major-related-programs.aspx



  • 应用科学副学士
    • 完成认可的TCC专业/技术课程即可获得奖励
  • 应用科学转移副学士(AAS-T)
    • 完成认可的TCC专业/技术课程 and as preparation for applied bachelor of science Includes college-level general education courses.


An undergraduate degree that includes both upper and lower division coursework and 包括至少180个大学水平的学分.

  • 应用科学学士学位(BAS)
    • RCW 28 b.50.第810号法案授权州委员会批准澳门威尼斯人在线赌场 提供应用科学学士学位.
  • Bachelor of 应用科学 degrees are upper division undergraduate degrees that 要求至少180个小时的学分. 他们是应用科学学位s that build upon the education and training from an associate of applied science degree.
  • 至少60个小时的学分必须来自高年级


证书 are awarded for completion of the competencies and 需求 of an 少于90学分的职业课程.

  • 证书可以是高级或低级
  • 证书类别
    • 少于20学分
      • 不需要SBCTC批准
    • 20 - 89学分
      • 需要SBCTC批准
    • 证书 may be designed as standalone or build upon each other and eventually 获得长期证书或学位


通路的区别 are AA degree designations that include at least 20 学分 of approved 课程,结合形成一个有意义和显著的重点研究. 区分路径通常是跨学科的设计.


专门化 are AA degree designations that include at least 20 学分 of approved 课程,结合形成一个有意义和显著的重点研究.

专门化 are typically designed to model degree majors offered at 4-year institutions.


RCW 28 b.50.535号确认了澳门威尼斯人在线赌场颁发毕业证的权威 学校文凭或证书.

TCC shall award a high school diploma to individuals who satisfactorily meet the 需求 for high school completion subject to the rules adopted by the superintendent of public 指导委员会和州教育委员会.

Individuals sixteen years or older who satisfactorily complete an associate degree through Tacoma Community College shall be awarded a diploma upon written request.


In order to be awarded a credential from Tacoma Community College, a student must 满足以下要求:

  • 综合累积平均绩点为2.在所应用的课程作业中 到凭证
  • A minimum of 25% of the total applicable 学分 for the specific credential must 毕业于澳门威尼斯人在线赌场
  • 具体的学位和课程要求在目录中公布.


Students may be awarded multiple credentials for which they have fulfilled the curricular 需求.


In order to keep 程序s and coursework relevant, curricular and non-curricular credential 定期更新需求. 如果学位要求发生变化后 a student enrolls at Tacoma Community College, TCC will adhere to the following policy:

  • If the credential is completed within five years, the student who initially declares the credential (as noted by assignment in到凭证 plan stack in ctcLink) and enrolls in the coursework specific 到凭证 at TCC may graduate under the provisions of the TCC credential in effect when they originally declared the credential.
    • Students with extenuating circumstances may petition to extend this time period if 需要五年以上的时间
    • Students may be required to take courses added 到凭证 需求 that 是否反映了关键的行业变化或认证要求
  • TCC encourages all students to fulfill the credential 需求 in effect at the time of their most recent enrollment as those reflect the best practices for the credential
  • Students who do not complete the credential 需求 within five years must fulfill 这些要求在他们毕业时生效.


证书在每季度末颁发. 毕业典礼 每年春季学期末举行. 所有获得证书的学生 in the current academic year are invited to participate in the June 毕业典礼.

Students who are expected to complete their credential in summer may participate in 毕业典礼.

