
节:我. CADM-130
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 6/7/19


Each administrative policy shall conform, to the extent possible, to the structure 在本政策指南中概述. 在可能的情况下,每份保单应包括以下内容 资料部分:

TITLE: 保单的标题或名称.

SECTION: The section in the Management Manual where 这一政策 shall reside and will be identified 使用以下命名法: 


  1. 学院行政CADM
  2. 指令                                          本月
  3. 学生服务                               STSV
  4. 行政服务

College Administration will include Institutional Advancement 政策


The division responsible for policy will be identified by Roman numeral followed by 效率缩写.  示例—Administrative Services策略:IV. ADSV

在每个部门中存在9个子部门.  部门内的部门/地区   will be assigned a subsection which will contain 99 placeholders for policies.        



分节一般行政. 服务策略策略编号:100 - 199

Human 资源                                                      200 – 299

Business Office                                                           300 – 399

信息 Services                                                    400 – 499

人力资源策略示例. ADSV-204 -委任(豁免)权力

首次采用日期: The initial date that the first policy language regarding 这一政策 topic was approved 并被学院采纳.

PRIOR REVISION DATES:  Prior dates that revisions to 这一政策 were approved and 学院采纳.

LAST REVISION DATE: The most recent date of approved and adopted policy revisions. This shall indicate the date of 这一政策 language currently in effect.

LAST REVIEW DATE:  The most recent date 这一政策 has been reviewed with no revisions 赞同或采纳该政策的.

总统授权:  A space for the President’s signature as authorization and approval for the College 采纳政策.

PURPOSE:This section shall provide a brief review of the rationale or purpose of the 有待实施的政策. This section may also include a background summary to provide 政策制定的背景.

TO WHOM DOES THIS POLICY APPLY: This section shall identify who 这一政策 applies to; that is, students, employees, members of the public, or others, and their status as full-time, part-time, temporary, quarterly, residents, volunteer, etc.

REFERENCES: This section shall include all applicable references that support or are directly related to 这一政策, including RCWs, WACs, Executive Orders, Interagency 指引、拨款要求等. 如果没有适用的引用,则保险单 应注明“无”.

DEFINITIONS: This section shall define all relevant terms used throughout 这一政策 为政策目的而定义的. 如果没有定义,则策略 应注明“无”.

POLICY: This section shall identify the principles and criteria by which the College will 处理其事务.

PROCEDURE: This section shall identify the course of actions or established methods for carrying out business related 政策原则和标准. If there are no procedures included as part of 这一政策, 这一政策 应注明“无” or may have a link to the appropriate location of a procedure located elsewhere. Not all procedures are required to be located within 这一政策. 程序可在 在其他地方,例如在部门内网页面上. 例如,归档的程序 a discrimination complaint may be part of a policy, but a procedure for scheduling 不得使用校园内的设施.

Where a particular section does not apply, 这一政策 shall include the section title 并注明“不适用”. 此策略中没有任何内容阻止附加部分 from being added where needed to assist with more complete 沟通 of policy 信息.

A policy is considered approved for implementation at the time the President signs 这一政策. 

一项政策经总统批准后生效. 政策语言可能包括 a retroactive or projected effective date, at the President’s discretion.


These guidelines are intended to provide a framework and assistance for the structure and development, as well as the procedures for obtaining approval, of all College 管理策略. A common framework and structure is intended to assist with organizing 管理策略 and provide more complete 沟通 of policy 信息.


These guidelines apply to all persons authorized and responsible for formulating, developing and/or recommending policy language to the President for review and approval.




Policy –guiding principles and designated criteria by which the College will conduct its affairs.

过程 – a course of action; a set of established methods for carrying out business related 政策原则和标准.


  1. An administrator or other person responsible for drafting policy language will prepare 供总统审议的政策草案. 支持文件或其他参考资料 可以作为保单的背景资料吗.
  2. 政策草案已提交给总统.
  3. The President may direct administrator or other person responsible for draft policy to navigate policy through the appropriate governance process.
  4. Comments and feedback are incorporated to the draft policy.
  5. The President determines approval or non-approval of 这一政策. 如获批准, 总统签署政策.
  6. The original signed policy will reside in the President’s office or at another location 由总统决定. 已签署保单的副本将被转发至 the originating department, but at the President’s discretion, may include others as well.
  7. Each new policy or policy revision will be communicated to the relevant members of the campus community in a manner appropriate and consistent with campus methods of 沟通. Communication of policy 信息 or revision is the responsibility of the campus administrator responsible for administering 这一政策.
  8. The policy will also be added to the electronic College Administrative Manual for 大学社区的访问. 维护学院的各项政策 Administrative Manual is the responsibility of the Vice President whose reports are 负责管理一个或多个策略.