
第四部分:. adsv - 365
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11


Eligible employees who are temporarily disabled and unable to perform their regular job duties because of a workplace accident, illness, or  injury will be given the opportunity to return to lighter or modified work during the period of convalescence based on an evaluation by a licensed 卫生保健提供者 and to the extent a light 职位空缺.   由于恢复时间可能因情况而异 College will evaluate each individual employee’s situation to allow sufficient time for recovery and rehabilitation based upon the certification provided by a licensed 卫生保健提供者.  学院保留任命持证医生的权利 在重返工作岗位的过程中随时提供帮助.

The College may discontinue a modified work 程序 for an individual employee if it becomes evident from a licensed 卫生保健提供者 evaluation that capacity to 完全回到正常分配的位置是不可能的. 

If the need for permanent modifications becomes apparent, the College’s Reasonable 将遵循住宿程序.


A. 员工责任-员工有责任:

  1. 遵守工作安全指引和做法.
  2. 及时报告任何与工作有关的事故、疾病或伤害.
  3. Request a light duty assignment and submit documentation from a licensed health care 描述暂时残疾性质的提供程序  .  提供者的 statement must include:  the diagnosis, prognosis, anticipated duration of the 残疾, 以及任何限制或限制的描述.
  4. 应要求提供残疾期间的最新医疗信息. 学院可在任何工作期间要求提供医疗信息 残疾.
  5. Participate and cooperate with the College’s efforts to meet the requirements of the 环球套票项目, including submitting to an examination and evaluation by a licensed health 保健提供者.

B. 主管职责-主管负责:

  1. 在他或她的职责范围内促进安全工作实践.
  2. 向所有符合条件的员工解释校园RTW项目.
  3. Ensure that an illness, injury or accident report is properly completed and submitted 在与工作有关的疾病,事故或受伤后及时处理
  4. Review with the employee the process of modified and/or light duty under the College’s 环球套票项目.
  5. Notify the College’s RTW 项目协调人 of any employee work related illness, 受伤或意外可能导致暂时离开工作岗位.
  6. Cooperate with the RTW Coordinator to indentify any work modification or light duty assignments in the regularly assigned work unit that the employee may perform maintain on going assessment of the employee’s work and weekly communication with the employee 以及RTW协调员,了解员工的状况和能力.

C. RTW 项目协调人 责任 – The RTW 项目协调人 is responsible to:

  1. Coordinate eligibility of a temporarily disabled employee for RTW计划 based 根据从有执照的医疗保健提供者处获得的信息.  这可能包括 job analysis, as well as evaluation of the employee’s capabilities and limitations, as well as identifying any transferable skills that may apply to temporary reassignments.  Also, if a modified duty placement is not appropriate in the regularly assigned work area, the RTW 项目协调人 will explore alternate placement in other work units 在学院与导师合作.
  2. Determine an eligible employee’s, availability regarding employment locations and types of employment based on information secured from a licensed 卫生保健提供者 以及学院的作业安排.
  3. Facilitate identification of potential return-to-work opportunities; and submit necessary 向包括劳工和工业部在内的适当人员发送表格.
  4. Seek appropriate temporary modified work assignments, with preference of assignment 按以下顺序:
  1. Modification of the eligible employee’s current position regularly assigned, if possible;
  2. 转移 temporarily to another position in the same work unit as regularly assigned (长期或兼职/临时职位);
  3. Temporary transfer to another position in another work unit outside of the regularly 分配的工作单位;
  4. Temporary transfer to a position with another state agency or institution of higher 如果学院无法提供职位,则不接受教育.

5.     Maintain contact with the supervisor who is overseeing the modified work assignment 对于暂时残疾的员工,用于查询员工的进度状态.

Final decision of appropriate modified work assignments rests with the College’s RTW 项目协调人

The RTW 项目协调人 will coordinate participation of applicable employee assistance 程序,视情况而定.


The Human Resource department will make available this 程序 description and orient 所有RTW项目的主管.  每位符合条件的员工都将获得相关信息 在他们的主管指导下了解这个项目.  学院及行政 手册将包括此策略. 有关此计划的详细信息将 be provided to any individual employee who is identified as potentially eligible for RTW计划.  学院RTW计划的描述将提供给任何 其他员工或监管机构官员应要求.


The purpose of the 重返工作岗位 (RTW) 程序 is to provide, when possible, an assignment for an eligible employee who is temporarily unable to return to  their regular assignment until the time that the employee is released for full-work duty by a licensed health 保健提供者.


This policy applies to tenured and probationary academic employees, classified service employees, and regular exempt employees who are receiving State of Washington worker’s 工伤、伤病补偿.


RCW 41.06.490 -国家雇员重返工作计划

RCW 51.32.暂时完全残疾-部分恢复赚钱能力- Return to available work – When employer continues wages – Limitations Applicable 集体谈判协议


合资格雇员-   终身教职和试用教职员工,机密服务员工,以及 regular exempt employees who are receiving State of Washington workers’ compensation 因工作意外、受伤或生病. 符合条件的员工可以成为RTW参与者 if he/she has a temporary diagnosed 残疾 due to an occupational accident, illness or injury which makes that employee temporarily unable to carry out his/her regularly assigned job duties, yet the employee is capable of performing work of a lighter or modified nature, based on a written evaluation by a licensed 卫生保健提供者.

修改工作或轻型-  This is a process of returning  an eligible employee to work with adjustments made 在工作环境中工作任务的类型或调度.  工作任务 可以到学院的固定工作单位或其他工作单位.  工作 assignments are modified or structured to be within the capacities and abilities of the employee, accommodating any restrictions or limitations certified by a licensed 卫生保健提供者. 修改工作或轻型工作在性质上是过渡性的 有限的时间. 

RTW修改期限-  The eligible employee may participate in RTW计划 for as long as the temporary 全面残疾仍在继续.

重返工作岗位协调员  人力资源人员负责协调学院的RTW 程序.


