
部分: cadm - 304
批准人:博士. 伊凡·哈雷尔,12/10/20
修改前: n/a



本政策旨在为官方TCC的使用提供指导 作为学院)由学院成员运营的社交媒体账户.

学院拥有与学院相关的任何社交媒体账户和内容 (不包括共享内容). Per the guidance of the Vice President of College Advancement, 市场及传讯部(简称本部)负责管理及管理 operates all official college-wide social media 账户. 这个部门有这个权力 to take action and follow a prescribed 过程 if a user does not follow this policy’s guidelines and terms of use.


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场鼓励使用社交媒体来联系和通知 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的观众和建立一个繁荣的环境,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的观众可以自由分享 相互之间的信息. Social media sites are powerful and important vehicles 分享有关TCC活动、荣誉、问题和活动的信息并促进讨论 people; and it is an important platform to enforce our stance for equity, diversity and inclusion and our college’s mission, vision and values. 有道德的,专业的, 与使用TCC社交媒体相关的法律、人事和人际风险 账户. This policy’s scope intends to outline these risks and provide guidelines 为了适当地使用社交媒体. All users are expected to adhere to each social 媒体平台自己的服务条款. All TCC policies, as well as state and federal 法律适用于网络活动.




可接受用途政策组. 第四adsv - 500
职业道德守则-第二章. 第四adsv - 402 p
Code of Student Conduct – Chapter 132V-121 WAC
Copyright 政策 – US Copyright Law (Title 17)
最小值- RCW.42.52 160 (3); WAC 292-110-010 (3)
资讯科技保安政策组. Iii ads4
Non-Discrimination and Harassment 政策 and Grievance 过程 – Sec. 二世stsv - 219


内容 Any written or visual communication produced by the College. 这也可以包括 communications not produced by the College, but shared by the College.

社交媒体 这指的是基于计算机的技术,可以促进思想的交流, 思想、信息通过虚拟网络和社区的建立 学院和其他学院之间的关系.

TCC社交媒体账号 这是学院使用在线社交媒体账户的官方代表 代表官方TCC业务.

用户 这是任何人谁是谁是谁不与学院联系和互动 拥有学校的社交媒体账号.



1. 根据这一政策,任何TCC社交媒体账户都不允许出现以下内容 并将隐藏在公众视野之外:

  • 1.1. Work-related information that may compromise TCC’s business practices, student 隐私和安全,或组织安全(参见信息技术安全) 政策);
  • 1.2. Student-related information that may compromise a student’s privacy or violates FERPA(见隐私政策);
  • 1.3. Derogatory, discriminatory or inflammatory remarks about an individual or an 个人的种族、年龄、残疾、宗教、民族、国籍、体质 属性,性别,性取向,婚姻状况,退伍军人身份,或 health condition; Vulgar, profane, profanity, threatening or harassing language and images (see Code of Student Conduct and Non-Discrimination 政策).
  • 1.4. 在威胁或骚扰中辱骂个人或点名部门 way (see Code of Student Conduct and Non-Discrimination 政策).
  • 1.5. Copyrighted or trademarked information (see Copyright policy); or
  • 1.6. Confidential or proprietary information of any kind or nature.
  • 1.7. 非法活动或鼓励非法活动(见学生行为准则) 及《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》政策)
  • 1.8. Threats or personal attacks (see Code of Student Conduct and Non-Discrimination 政策)
  • 1.9. Do not use these sites for personal or business benefit or gain for yourself, any other individuals or outside organizations (see Code of Ethics). 例外可能 如果请求经过市场和传播部门的审核,并与 TCC’s mission, vision, values and Strategic Plan.
  • 1.10. Behaviors that disrupt normal operations of the college, including, but not 限于扰乱治安、破坏治安或协助、教唆、拉客的行为 another person to breach the peace (see Code of Student Conduct).

2. 使用条款

    • 2.1. Employees may operate a social media account at a departmental level that is 与学院相关:员工必须获得授权才能使用 这个部门.
    • 2.2. The department must possess the passwords and administrator rights for all TCC 社交媒体帐户,必须知道密码或帐户的任何更改.
    • 2.3. The department reserves the right to dissolve or suspend TCC departmental level 如果在线帐户不活跃 used within six months; and/or not following policy guidelines and procedures.
    • 2.4. 员工在使用学院电脑作个人用途时应遵守最低限度的规定 使用社交媒体. If an employee is involved in a task that includes work on a TCC 他们可能会使用工作时间和工作电脑进行TCC社交媒体 账户. 只有满足以下条件,员工对国家资源的使用才能达到最低限度 条件满足(WAC: 292-110-010):
    • 2.4.1. 这对国家来说几乎没有成本;
    • 2.4.2. 任何使用都是短暂的;
    • 2.4.3. 不经常使用; 
    • 2.4.4. 使用不干扰任何国家官员或雇员的表现 公务; 
    • 2.4.5. 使用不损害国家财产、信息的安全或完整性 系统或软件; 
    • 2.4.6. 该用途不用于开展或促进外部业务 of private employment, or to realize a private financial gain; 
    • 2.4.7. The use is not for supporting, promoting the interests of, or soliciting for 外部组织或团体. 
    • 2.5. The College is committed to fostering an educational environment that allows for freedom of speech, in accordance with the First Amendment of the U.S. 宪法. 然而,学院不会容忍官方TCC社交媒体账户上的内容 that is declared to be unlawful, obscene or defamatory. 学院保留权利 to remove this content on TCC社交媒体账号s. 
    • 2.6. The College owns all content published to TCC社交媒体账号s. 任何东西 在TCC社交媒体账户上发布的内容应该没有任何版权问题 适合于公共机构的. 用户s should direct questions about copyrighted 向本署提供的内容. 
    • 2.7. 用户s that violate College copyrights will have action taken. 如果你注意到 代表学院或使用学院品牌的社交媒体账户 without permission, please contact 这个部门.
    • 2.8. 用于课堂课程或使用在线计算机通信的学生项目 工具(博客、社交媒体、网站等.),如有下列情况,教职员应通知本系 students are using the college logo or name in their projects. 关于 在网上展示学院,包括使用徽标或学院名称; (see Acceptable Use 政策 8a) to 这个部门.

3. 新的TCC社会媒体帐户请求 

  • 3.1. TCC departments requesting for a social media account, such as a 脸谱网 page, 应与部门协商,以确定该车辆是否合适.
  • 3.2. TCC社交媒体账户上的所有内容都将符合无障碍要求. The Department will ensure social media content is accessible.
  • 3.3. 所有TCC社交媒体帐户必须符合批准的学院品牌标准. 请与本署联络.

4. Photos and Videos of Students, Staff, Faculty and Community Members

  • 4.1. Please inform subjects their images may be posted on social media. 一个外部 提醒观众拍摄照片是为了社交媒体使用的标志 显示以获得足够的通知. 尊重所有提出要求的人的意愿 不使用可识别图像,或者从 在线平台.
  • 4.2. 学院尽一切努力不张贴未成年人的身份图像 父母书面同意书. However, minors may be inadvertently included in crowd shots at public events, such as at 毕业典礼 and athletic events. 在认识到 不可能从所有照片中排除所有未成年人,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场要求大学社交 媒体经理善意地努力避免发布未成年人的可识别图像 没有父母签字同意.
  • 4.3. Some categories of students, such as student athletes, OSE student leaders, and 来自一些学术部门的学生,在他们的注册中签名发布照片 过程. Check with 这个部门 and/or the instructor or leader of the event if 你有关于照片发布状态的问题.

5. 违反政策者的流程

  • 5.1. 教职员及/或学生:
    • 5.1.1. When the department determines a user comment is in violation of this policy, 部门将隐藏评论,并与员工和/或采取以下步骤 学生:
    • 5.1.2. After the first violation by a commenter, the commenter will be provided notice of the violation and reason why the comment was removed.
    • 5.1.3. After a second violation by a commenter, the commenter will be provided notice 违规行为和相应的权力将被通知- HR为员工 负责学生和/或BIRT(行为干预)的学生行为管理员 响应团队).
    • 5.1.4. 在第三次违规后,评论者将收到违规通知 and will be suspended from commenting on TCC社交媒体账号s 30天. HR 和/或学生行为管理员和/或BIRT(行为干预反应) 团队)将会收到通知.
    • 5.1.5. For represented TCC employees, these measures will be subject to provisions 谈判达成的协议.
  • 5.2. For a non-student and/or staff who are not affiliated with TCC:
    • 5.2.1. After the first violation by a commenter, the commenter will be provided notice of the violation and reason why the comment was removed.
    • 5.2.2. After a second violation by a commenter, the commenter will be provided notice 并将暂停在TCC社交媒体账户上发表评论 30天.
    • 5.2.3. 在第三次违规后,评论者将收到违规通知 and will be suspended from commenting on TCC社交媒体账号s for one year.
  • 5.3. 上诉
    • 5.3.1. An employee can appeal the decision of being removed from a TCC social media account with HR and department by written notice within 10 事件发生日期.
    • 5.3.2. 学生可以对从TCC社交媒体账户中删除的决定提出上诉 在10日内以书面通知学生行为管理专员和院系 事件发生日期.
  • 5.4. 对于违反政策的评论
    • 5.4.1. TCC reserves the right to extend the time period of blocking a user based on the content posted on a TCC社交媒体账号.