
部分: 3.  IV. 公元600年
批准人:博士. Pamela Transue, 08/02/11


创造和维护一个安全的学习环境是学院的政策. Tacoma Community 大学 will not tolerate violent behavior towards any member of the 大学 community or any person on 大学 premises. 为了这个目的 政策规定,暴力行为包括任何直接或间接的犯罪行为, 威胁要伤害身体,骚扰或恐吓他人,干扰个人的 合法行动或表达权利,或扰乱工作场所、学术环境 or the 大学’s ability to provide service to 公众.


维持一个没有任何暴力行为或暴力威胁的环境 by or against employees, students, or 成员 of 公众 and to provide a safe 工作场所.

To Whom Does This 政策 Apply

所有员工,潜在员工,承包商,访客,志愿者,学生, 及任何与学院有业务关系的人士,包括学院的成员 公众.



澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的员工对他们自己的行为和他们的 own responses to the actions of others.  Each member of the Tacoma Community 大学 工作人员应避免采取可能引发或恶化事件的行动 暴力.  Each staff member also is expected to control his or her own behavior so 他或她的判断力不会受损,紧张局势不会不可避免地升级.

根据所呈现的威胁程度,雇员的脆弱性 vulnerability of others in the vicinity, the likelihood of reducing the degree of 威胁和员工及其他人的撤退能力,员工也一样 may take action consistent with college training he or she has received to defuse 或向服务顾问、保安或塔科马警方寻求协助 部门.


主席或其指定人员应指派具体的工作人员 at each work location the duties of Building Safety Officer.  安全官员将接受培训,进行现场审查,并将获得额外的 降级技术培训,将降低概率和严重性,以及 assist in the containment of 暴力. 


Work life and personal life frequently interact.  If a work-based relationship threatens 无论是工作场所还是工作之外的暴力行为,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场都将提供帮助 to its employee to obtain judicial protection.  If a private relationship threatens 那么澳门威尼斯人在线赌场希望它的员工获得 judicial protection and inform the college in confidence of its terms. (见工作场所 暴力过程)


This policy seeks to prevent and, when necessary, to direct employee responses to 所有在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场发生的暴力威胁事件 在塔科马社区工作期间威胁使用暴力 大学.  This policy recognizes certain job classifications (security for example) where portions of the policy may not apply.

Containing Potentially Violent 事件 - SAFR 

  1. S安全-维护它. 

The recipient of the threat takes personal precautions.

  1. A求助——打电话求助. 

Depending on the level of severity any one or more may apply.


Call 校园安全 and Security at 5111.


  1. Follow方向.

遵循警察、保安或服务顾问的指示以及一般培训 安全指南.

  1. R报告-存档. 

Follow established procedures to report the incident and document what happened.

*There may be a slight delay (3-5 seconds) when calling 911 from a campus phone.  不要挂断电话.

Post Event Follow-up, Assessment, and Recommendations

事件发生后,在校园安全部门的协助下, 受害者和证人(如果有的话)描述他们的经历和观察.

校园安全与安保记录情况,提供分析和建议 follow up action to the manager, supervisor, and president.

校园安全部门和主管立即转介受影响的员工, 雇员是雇员的受害者、旁观者还是犯罪者 援助服务.

提交校园安全与保安报告后,校园安全与保安 至少根据反应的质量进行事后审查 预防的经验教训.

校园安全与保安和专业发展协调员提供培训 on lessons learned from the event.


预防工作场所暴力 – Basic Principles

Basic principles of 工作场所 暴力 prevention training will be made available to all Tacoma Community 大学 employees.


  • 如何识别工作场所潜在的暴力来源以及如何识别 potentially violent individuals.
  • 如何恰当地应对澳门威尼斯人在线赌场教职员工和学生面临的威胁 or the community at large or property.
  • 在与员工、学生或社区打交道时,如何防止或避免暴力升级 成员.
  • How to reduce or eliminate security hazards in the 工作场所.
  • 如何从雇员那里获得医疗、咨询、工伤赔偿服务 Assistance Program or legal assistance after a violent episode or injury.


  • All employees are encouraged to attend 工作场所 暴力 training and any follow up training offered by the college or supervisor.
  • All employees are encouraged to attend a refresher course at least annually.

预防工作场所暴力 - Issues and De-Escalation Advanced 培训

所有行政人员、主管、经理、楼宇安全人员和保安人员 是否提供关于工作场所暴力问题和降级的额外培训 技术.

除了上面列出的培训外,那些职责要求他们作出反应的人 对工作场所潜在的暴力行为,将提供培训,以更好地预防, respond to, and follow up on issues of 工作场所 暴力.

Specific 培训 for Interactions with Customers and Students on Premises

Staff whose jobs require interaction with clients over the telephone or in person 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的学生可以参加额外的有效沟通培训 技术.

Specific 培训 for Staff Who Work Off Premises

Staff whose work requires them to travel off Tacoma Community 大学 property to 拾取物资,或参加学院主办或其他活动,可参加 培训预防、避免或(如果不可避免)潜在应对的方法 violent situations while in the field.

Follow-up To Reinforce 培训

  1. 所有员工均可通过以下途径获得本政策及相关培训材料 hard copy and /or computer for periodic, individual review.
  2. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将随时更新其培训计划 changes in policies and procedures require.
  3. 鼓励管理人员和团队领导审查工作场所暴力政策和 程序 periodically during a regularly scheduled staff meeting.
  4. 任何想要审查安全程序的员工都可以参加安全委员会的任何会议 工作场所 暴力 awareness training with supervisors approval.


人力资源部应保持培训记录并确保技能 assessment and evaluation is incorporated into training sessions.


违反此政策的员工可能会受到纠正措施或纪律处分 up to and including termination.  Employees that threaten, engage in, or exacerbate 暴力 may also be subject to prosecution.


RCW Title 9                           Crimes and Punishment

WAC 132V-120-010            Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

WAC 296-800                       Safety and health core rules


暴力 -侮辱性言论,攻击性身体接触,财产损坏,以及明显的威胁 of offensive physical contact or damage to property including disruptive behavior intended to disturb, interfere with or prevent normal work activities.

的演讲 -一个合理的接受者在听到它的语境中会发现的言语 threatening in delivery or content. 的演讲 can be non verbal such as waving arms, fists or display of threatening hand gestures.

攻击性身体接触 —一个人对另一个合理接受者的不必要的、强行的触摸 会发现威胁,不受欢迎,或其他不合理的情况下 它发生.

财产损失 -定义为对塔科马社区所属或拥有的财产的损害 书院包括教职员、学生、访客及市民而上 书院校舍. 大学 premises also include off-campus locations where official 大学 业务 is conducted.

Tacoma Community 大学 premises - include any vehicle, parking lot, or building that Tacoma Community 大学 has 有权占据全部或部分,包括学院举办活动的任何地点 业务.