Academic Advisement Reports

Academic Advisement Reports (AARs), also known as Degree Audits or Degree Progress Reports, show how your Tacoma Community College courses, transfer courses, and in-progress 课程适用于你的学位或证书要求. You can view your Academic Advisement Report for your degree or certificate by logging into ctcLink and selecting Student Homepage > Academic Progress.


AAR Revision Project

AAR revisions are 100% complete! 所有学术指导报告都已更新 并修改以反映最准确的目录信息. Please reach out to your advisor if you have any questions about how your coursework applies to your current degree/certificate.

Program Plans With No AARs

由于计划的性质,有些程序计划没有AARs. These include Transitional Studies programs, such as ABE (ABE) and High School+ (HS_H2HSC), Non-Award Seeking programs, Invista plans, and certain plans only offered through the Department of Corrections.

Catalog Year / Requirement Term

Your Catalog Year, also referred to as your Requirement Term, is critical in understanding Academic Advisement Report. 您的AAR将只返回基于目录的结果 您的节目计划被添加到ctcLink的年份. This catalog year will appear at the 在您的AAR的顶部,紧挨着您的项目计划标题(e).g. "Associate of Arts (DTA) with 人类学专业(2019年秋季- 2022年夏季)

Catalog years typically run from Summer to Spring, so a catalog year of 2021-2022 适用于2021年夏季、2021年秋季、2022年冬季和2022年春季. Catalog years that span more than one year (e.g. 2017-2021)意味着该项目的要求 plan are identical from Summer quarter of the first year through Spring quarter of the second year. 例如,“(2017-2021)”表示该方案的计划要求 您的AAR中列出的有效期为2017年夏季至2022年春季. A catalog year that specifies specific quarters (e.g. 夏季2022-夏季2023)意味着要求 在特定的季度范围内有效吗.

You may wish to update your catalog year if you are following the requirements of 比你开始攻读学位/证书时使用的目录更新. You may update your catalog year to a more current catalog, but you cannot update it to a previous/less current one. To request an update, contact your advisor and ask them to submit a Degree Progress Update Form on your behalf. 招生服务部将审核申请并进行处理 in the order it is received. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场可能会联系您或您的顾问,如果澳门威尼斯人在线赌场有额外的 questions.

What-If Reports

假设报告是您的AAR的模拟版本. Log into ctcLink and select Academic Progress > View What-If Report > Create New Report. To view how your completed and current courses would apply towards a different program 计划在ctclick中使用这个What-if工具. 这份假设报告并没有正式改变 your program. To complete a official program plan change meet with your advisor. 有两种类型的假设报告.

Program Scenario

The first is a Program scenario that allows you to view how your completed coursework would apply to a different plan. 选择新的课程和学习领域,然后选择 submit.

What if screenshot

Course Scenario

The second report is the course scenario that allows you to view how courses that 你还没有采取的措施可以适用于你目前的计划. Entering a grade is optional.

Course Scenario screenshot


Course exceptions, substitutions, and directives may be applied to individual students based on transfer coursework and/or department exception, and will be reflected on your AAR. 课程例外、替换和指令也可以应用于 有可变学分要求的学位. 如果你相信你有一个批准的 course exception, substitution, or directive for your degree, please contact your advisor. Advisors, please refer to the AAR Resources for Faculty & Staff page 提交学位进度更新表.


The following degrees will always require course exceptions in order to display correctly. If you are pursuing one of these degrees, please contact your advisor to submit a 学位进度更新表,以更新您的AAR.

Degree Name Variable-Credit Requirement(s)
艺术副学士(DTA),所有专业(LASDTAA)(2023年秋季及以后) COL 101 Exemption
计算机科学副学士(DTA/MRP) Natural Science Requirement; University-Specific Requirements
联合医疗应用科学转移副学士 Medical Terminology Requirement
科学副主任,专场1,无子计划(LRST1AS) Track Sequence Requirement
Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management, All Specializations (BAMAMBAS) Applied Management Core Requirement; Specialization Requirement
Bachelor of Applied Science in Health Information Management (HMRHIBAS) (2020-2021 only) 较低的部门非分配要求


Students with transfer credit may require course exceptions in order for their AAR to display correctly because of the semester to quarter credit conversion process.

Semester credit is translated into quarter credit by multiplying the amount of semester credit by 1.5:
1 semester credit = 1.5 quarter credits
2个学期学分= 3个季度学分
3 semester credits = 4.5 quarter credits 
4个学期学分= 6个季度学分

Most 5-credit courses at Tacoma Community College that are required for certain degrees/certificates 是否可以通过至少4个季度学分的等效转学课程来满足. For 例如,需要5个英语学分的学位& 101 may be satisfied by 4.5 credits of ENGL& 从另一个机构调来的. 然而,这意味着需求 will be 0.缺少5个学分,您的AAR将显示“不满足”该要求. To correct this, your advisor may submit a Degree Progress Update Form and Enrollment 服务将把适当的需求减少0.5 credits. Then, to ensure the total number of credits required for the degree remain the same, we will increase 相当于大学水平选修课的要求.

It is important to note that there are some exceptions to this rule, and any one distribution may not be reduced by more than 1 credit to accommodate transfer credit, so it always best to talk to your advisor if you have any questions about how your transfer credit may apply to your degree/certificate.

Below is an example of 0.从定量技能/符号中免除5个学分 推理要求,并添加到大学水平选修课要求:

Student View

现有5学分要求显示 Not Satisfied.

90% section complete

同样是5学分的要求 Satisfied.

Satisfied Student Requirement

After clicking on the requirement, you can view notes made by Enrollment Services by clicking the blue info button. This exception indicates, "0.5 credits waived in Semester--> Quarter conversion from Northwestern University. 0.选修科目增加5学分,达到90学分要求." 


Remember that in order to maintain the total number of credits required for the degree/certificate, two exceptions are made during a semester to quarter credit conversion: the credit reduction in the applicable distribution requirement(s) and the increase in college-level electives.

You can view notes made in your College-Level Electives requirement verify the increase. In this scenario, the College-Level Electives requirement was increased from 15 to 15.5学分,达到90学分的学位要求.

Electives Increased Student

Advisor/Staff View

This requirement currently indicates Not Satisfied because it is 0.5 credits short. However, per TCC policy, 4.5 credits of an equivalent 课程将满足5个学分的要求.

Staff view of 4.5credits.

After Enrollment Services applies the exception(s) to the student's record, the 5-credit requirement will read Satisfied. 

Satisfied Staff AAR

You can see the College-Level Electives requirement will also be increased by the 在学位/证书的其他地方减少的学分总数. 

Electives Increased

Click the blue "Note" text that appears above the required units for the requirement 查看招生服务部门添加的例外说明. 

AAR Notes



AAR Resources for Advisors

顾问们,请记住,学生和教职员的观点是不同的. Additional advisor information and guides can be found on our AAR Resources for Faculty and Staff page, linked below.

AAR Resources for FACULTY & STAFF

Any Other Questions?
